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Seoul Food and Hotel 2019

May 21 - 24, 2019
Seoul, South Korea
Trade Show - International

The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that South Korea is 60-70 percent dependent on imported foods. As of 2016, it is the world’s 11th largest economy with a GDP of $1.411trillion, and a per capital Gross National Invoice of $27,561.The United States is the leading supplier of agricultural products to South Korea, providing about one quarter of all imported agricultural products. The market environment is very favorable; for example, the Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement which was implemented in March 2012 continues to lower tariffs for consumer-oriented food products. According to FAS Global Trade System (GATS) reports in a ten-year span from 2006 to 2016 U.S. exports increase by 118%, making Korea the number 6 market for exports.

Korean consumers value high quality, low-cost, healthy and convenient products. Strong historical ties between South Korea and the United States mean that Koreans generally view U.S. food products favorably and are eager to try new foods. SUSTA promotes all valued-added food products in this market. Because South Korea is so heavily dependent on imported foods, there are opportunities for retail, food service and food processing. This trade event offers a great opportunity for U.S exporters to showcase their products in an attractive market that also serves as a gateway into the region.

Participation Fee:

  • Corner Booth - $1,476 (if you register and pay before December 21, 2018); $1,676 after
  • In-line Booth - $1,325 (if you register after December 21, 2018); $1,525 after

Fee Includes:

  • 9m² booth and standard furniture package
  • Allowance of up to $1,000 for sample and literature shipment from a consolidation point in the US to the show (must use SUSTA’s official freight forwarder to receive this allowance)
  • Interpreter service and one-on-one meetings with pre-screened buyers
  • Market Briefing & Tour

Registration Deadline: February 21, 2019 (No refunds for cancellation after this date)

50% CostShare: Apply now for SUSTA's 50% CostShare to request 50% reimbursement of participation fee, travel costs for up to two company representatives (flight, hotel, meals and incidentals), promotional giveaway items, point of sale materials and more!

Event Surveys: You are required to complete two surveys for this event. Access your surveys by logging into your MySUSTAaccount.

Initial Survey: Available May 23, 2019 and due May 30, 2019
Concluding Survey:
Available November 23, 2020 and due November 30, 2020

Industry Focus
Food Service Products, Retail Products, Seafood
Product Description
  • Convenience Foods
  • Nuts and other Snacks
  • Seafood and Meats
  • Healthy and Organic Products
Event Activities and Prices Pricing Additional Information
Seoul Food and Hotel 2019    
Corner Booth - 9 Square Meters $1,676.00  
In-Line Booth - 9 Square Meters $1,525.00  
Event Activities and Prices
Seoul Food and Hotel 2019
Event Title Pricing Additional Information
Corner Booth - 9 Square Meters $1,676.00
In-Line Booth - 9 Square Meters $1,525.00
Photo Gallery
There are no affiliated events.
There are no market related events.
May 10 - 13, 2016 Seoul Food and Hotel 2016 Seoul, South Korea REGISTRATION PASSED
May 1 - 4, 2018 Seoul Food & Hotel 2018 Seoul, South Korea REGISTRATION PASSED
May 16 - 19, 2017 Seoul Food and Hotel 2017 Seoul, Korea REGISTRATION PASSED