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Food & Hospitality China 2024

Nov 12 - 14, 2024
Shanghai, China
Trade Show - International

China is the 2nd-largest consumer market and importer in the world. China imported over $236 billion worth of agriculture imports from around the world in 2022, up 7.4 percent from 2021. Within its trade partners, the U.S. has continued to establish its importance to the Chinese market and its demand by supplying a growing number of agricultural products, peaking at $41 billion in 2022, another record year and topping the $35 billion recorded in 2021. While bulk products made up 70 percent of China’s total agricultural imports from the United States, consumer products have continued to grow strength to strength, more than tripling its imports from $2 billion in 2019 to $7.2 billion in 2022, with southern United States playing an important role as a key supplier to the market.

Food and Hospitality China, better known as FHC, is a leading comprehensive exhibition platform in China for the food and beverage industry. With 24 years of history, FHC covers categories such as meat, seafood, dairy, snacks, sweets and confectionery, beverages and more. The foodservice-oriented show regularly attracts up to 100,000 professional visitors and thousands of exhibitors from countries and regions worldwide each year.

Participation Fee:

  • Corner booth: $1,419; Early Bird Special: $1,219 (if you register and pay before June 12, 2024)
  • In-line booth: $1,269; Early Bird Special: $1,069 (if you register and pay before June 12, 2024)

Fee Includes:

  • 9m² booth and standard furniture package
  • Interpreter services (please request in advance if needed)
  • Market Briefing and tours
  • Reimbursement of up to $1,000 in sample shipping costs, with proper documentation

Registration Deadline: August 12, 2024 (No refunds for cancellation after this date)

50% CostShare: Apply now for SUSTA's 50% CostShare to request 50% reimbursement of participation fee, travel costs for up to two company representatives (flight, hotel, meals and incidentals), promotional giveaway items, point of sale materials and more!

SUSTA receives funding from USDA, Foreign Agriculture Services to create opportunities for exporters in the global market. All Global Events are subject to change at any time based upon available program funds, market or other conditions

Industry Focus
Food Service Products, Produce, Retail Products
Event Activities and Prices Pricing Additional Information
Food & Hospitality China 2024    
Corner Booth - 9 Square Meters $1,419.00  
In-Line Booth - 9 Square Meters $1,269.00  
Event Activities and Prices
Food & Hospitality China 2024
Event Title Pricing Additional Information
Corner Booth - 9 Square Meters $1,419.00
In-Line Booth - 9 Square Meters $1,269.00
There are no affiliated events.
There are no market related events.
Nov 8 - 10, 2023 Food Hotel China 2023 Shanghai, China REGISTRATION PASSED