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Taiwan Outbound Trade Mission To Food Taipei

Jun 25 - 29, 2024
Taipei City, Taiwan
Outbound Mission

Taiwan is the United States’ sixth largest trading partner in agricultural goods and fifth largest overall trading partner. In 2021, the U.S. exported $3.93 billion in agricultural and related products to Taiwan. With a population of 23.6 million people, in 2021 it received a GDP of $776 billion USD and a per capita of $33,140. Due to its small amount of arable land, the country is highly dependent on imports for feeding its population. Nevertheless, its food processing abilities is still quite noticeable. Taiwan’s food processing industry is composed of 7,369 manufacturers that produced almost $23 billion of processed food and beverages in 2021. This production roughly accounts for 3.4% of overall GDP in the same year. It should also be noted that Taiwan has the world’s second highest density of convenience stores with over 10,000 stores island-wide.

Join SUSTA in this exciting opportunity to meet with key Taiwanese buyers to discuss your products and opportunities in the market! This outbound trade mission will allow companies to meet one-on-one with qualified buyers from Taiwan at the Food Taipei show, allowing for more in-depth conversations and relationship building.

Participation Fee: $600; Early Bird Special: $400 (if you register and pay before January 25, 2024)

Fee Includes:

  • Market Briefing & Tour
  • Pre-Arranged One-on-One Meetings
  • Translators (request if needed)
  • In-country transportation to meeting locations
  • Reimbursement of up to $500.00 in sample shipping costs (with proper documentation)
  • Reimbursement of airfare OR lodging (within the Federal per diem rate) for one company representative with submittal of required supporting documentation*

*Participants must participate in all mission activities to be eligible for reimbursement

Registration Deadline: April 5, 2024 (No refunds for cancellation after this date)

50% CostShare: Apply now for 50% CostShare to request 50% reimbursement of participation fee, travel costs for up to two company representatives (flight, hotel, meals and incidentals), promotional giveaway items, point of sale materials and more!

SUSTA receives funding from USDA, Foreign Agriculture Services to create opportunities for exporters in the global market. All Global Events are subject to change at any time based upon available program funds, market or other conditions.

Industry Focus
Food Service Products, Retail Products
Event Activities and Prices Pricing Additional Information
Taiwan Outbound Trade Mission To Food Taipei    
Taiwan Outbound Trade Mission To Food Taipei $600.00  
Event Activities and Prices
Taiwan Outbound Trade Mission To Food Taipei
Event Title Pricing Additional Information
Taiwan Outbound Trade Mission To Food Taipei $600.00
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