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In addition to our core programs, SUSTA has many other resources to share with small U.S. businesses:

  • Export Helpline: Ask an industry veteran export-related questions
    Whether you are new to exporting or have years of experience, specific issues will arise where you could use some help from a trusted resource.
  • Market Research: Access educational documents and videos
    Educating yourself on a target market is time well spent. SUSTA recommends that a company first look at what research is available online from credible sources.
  • News, Facts and Stats: Newsletters and trade data
    Learn more about SUSTA newsletters, program updates, market insight, data releases and more.
  • Trade Leads: Pre-vetted buyers looking for your products
    Respond to serious inquiries from trusted sources around the world.
  • Trade Challenges: We want to hear from you
    Non-tariff trade barriers affect U.S. agricultural producers; let us know what barriers you face.