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2023 Market Access Program Makes Big Impact


Big Picture Report: July 2024
Bernadette Wiltz-Lang, SUSTA

Last Year in Numbers

SUSTA programs created significant opportunities for southern exporters to grow internationally in 2023. Last year, SUSTA hosted 47 Global Events where participants could meet and introduce their company and products to key foreign buyers from nearly every continent. Through CostShare, matching funds were provided to nearly 140 small businesses trying to build their brands overseas via advertising, trade shows, in-store sampling, translating their website and more. A small agri-business that is motivated to export can excel internationally, and SUSTA is there to provide support.

Following any SUSTA activity, participants are asked to complete a survey (or two) and submit the results, as well as constructive feedback. While surveys may feel tedious, they are the only means of measuring SUSTA’s programs and helping the trade association hone programming. Thank you to all SUSTA participants that completed their surveys. Year-end programming data was collected in the Spring of 2024, and the results are now available.
