The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) is committed to expanding opportunities for Maryland growers, breeders and processors. MDA provides support to Maryland farmers and companies planning to enter new foreign markets or advance their export sales in existing foreign markets.
In collaboration with the Southern United Trade Association (SUSTA) and the United States Livestock Genetic, Inc. (USLGE), MDA conducts inbound and outbound trade missions and participates in international trade shows to market the diverse food, livestock and agricultural products in our state. These activities help Maryland agribusinesses meet buyers one-on-one to build sales. The Maryland Department of Agriculture offers technical assistance and trade servicing to new and experienced exporters.
Office of the Secretary
50 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401
Kevin M. Atticks, DCD, Secretary
Mark Powell, Chief of Marketing Services
(410) 841-5770
Stone Slade, Director of International Marketing
(919) 749-4352
Watch the SUSTA & Maryland Department of Agriculture Video: